Passover and Immigration
This week I have been thinking about the similarities between the story of the Jews in Egypt and immigration policy in our country. Here are some thoughts:
- During Joseph's time we had free entrance of Jews into Egypt, a welcoming government; we were provided with food and resources. As a result, the Jews settled in Goshen and prospered.
- During Moses' time: Jews were considered resident aliens, and were enslaved, and their babies could be killed at will. We were also deprived of our freedom of movement ("Let my people go," was Moses' cry). The Torah is clear that things deteriorated, “and a new Pharaoh rose who did not know Joseph.
During the Seder we read, “In every generation we are obligated to see ourselves as
though we personally went out from Egypt.” Re-living this journey helps us appreciate
our own freedom anew, but it should also teach us to empathize with all of
those who live in fear and are seeking their own promised land.
What is your immigration story? Share it with us below.
Follow the development of the our movement's joint action for sensitive comprehensive immigration reform at
What is your immigration story? Share it with us below.
Follow the development of the our movement's joint action for sensitive comprehensive immigration reform at